Who We Are
We are a relevant church in Linn, Missouri, dedicated to loving Jesus and loving our community.
We are part of the Restoration Movement of churches, more specifically connected to the Christian Churches/Church of Christ brotherhood.
Our church is lead by Jesus Christ, followed by a group of local servant leaders including Elders and Deacons. Our Elders and Deacons serve collectively on the Church Board.
Our staff serves the church through various ministries.
The Plan of Salvation
As part of our ongoing mission, we encourage all people to be faithful to God’s call on their life to:
HEAR the Good News
BELIEVE that Jesus is the living God’s chosen King,
DECLARE Jesus as Lord of their life,
REPENT, which means to change allegiance from their sinful ways to God’s way.
You can read more about God’s plan to save us in this handout.
What We Believe
SCRIPTURE: God inspired the original writings of the Bible to be without error as well as the final authority for all matters of faith.
GOD: is a triune Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the creator of all things visible and invisible.
JESUS: is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, and if you believe in him you will not die, but have everlasting life!
THE HOLY SPIRIT: is an active part of God who dwells in every Christian for the purpose of leading, guiding, and transforming us to be more like Jesus.
Our local CONGREGATION is autonomous and is led by a plurality of Elders.
We take COMMUNION each week, as laid out in Acts 20:7.
We BAPTIZE people by immersing their bodies completely in water.